
Volvo Iron Mark

The Volvo Iron Mark is the logo we use as an emblem on the front of our cars. It also expresses our brand across digital channels. Derived from the alchemy symbol for iron, it embodies the strength and quality of Swedish steel.


The Volvo Iron Mark is ideally suited for small square (1:1) spaces such as a mobile app icon, favicon or bookmark icon. The Volvo Iron Mark is usually accompanied by the text label: 'Volvo Cars'.

A desktop view close-up, showing a generic browser tab for
The Volvo Iron Mark is used as a favicon and bookmark icon.
An illustration of a mobile app icon, with a white background and the Volvo Iron Mark set in black.
The Volvo Iron Mark, as a mobile app icon. This will appear on mobile devices as the main entry point.
A social media post on a mobile phone. The Volvo Iron Mark is set as the profile picture for the account.
The Volvo Iron Mark is set as the profile image on social media platforms.

Logos on products

These are examples of the 3D (physical) Volvo Iron Mark, which only appears on our products.

The 3D Volvo Iron Mark emblem on the front grille.
The 3D Volvo Iron Mark, positioned on the grille.
The 3D Volvo Iron Mark emblem on the wheels.
The Volvo Iron Mark in 3D on the wheels.
The 3D Volvo Iron Mark emblem on the steering wheel.
The Volvo Iron Mark in 3D on the steering wheel.

Clear space

To maintain clarity of the Volvo Iron Mark it is essential to keep a minimum clear space around the logo. Always use the maximum resolution possible to ensure precision and quality.

The clear space around the Volvo Iron Mark logo. The clear space area is coloured in light blue with darker blue lines that illustrate the 1/4 width/height measurements, derived from the logo. A yellow arrow points to one of the base unit measurements, to show what the 1x spacer looks like.
The minimum clear space for the Volvo Iron Mark is equal to 1 quarter (1/4) of the width, or 1x. Keep the clear space free from cluttering elements.


In order for the Volvo Iron Mark to be consistently recognisable at different sizes, it is important to have it optimised for a variety of different media spaces.

The minimum print size should be no smaller than 12 mm. For digital, the minimum size is a 16 x 16 pixel favicon. These rules cover the absolute minimum sizes, but where possible the Volvo Iron Mark should be reproduced at larger, crisper sizes.

A desktop view showing the minimum size of the Volvo Iron Mark logo as a favicon for
Volvo Iron Mark as a favicon.


The Volvo Iron Mark is always positioned in the centre of any prescribed area, whether used for social media, mobile app icons, or as a favicon for our websites. Maintain the minimum clear space around the logo. The logo used for the website favicon is exempt from clear space rules, and is instead sized to best fit the available area. Always safeguard the quality and legibility of the logo.

A mobile app icon, with a white background and a black Volvo Iron Mark logo in the centre.
Mobile app icon.
A social media profile image, with a white background and a black Volvo Iron Mark logo in the centre.
Social media profile image.
A favicon, with a white background and a black Volvo Iron Mark logo in the centre.
Website favicon.


Black is the default colour for the Volvo Iron Mark. The white variant is to be used on dark backgrounds and/or images. Legibility is a priority, to meet legal requirements for contrast and clarity.

An illustration of the Volvo Iron Mark logo set in black on a white square background.
The black Volvo Iron Mark on a white background.
An illustration of the Volvo Iron Mark logo set in white on a black square background.
The white Volvo Iron Mark on an off black (#141414) background.

Incorrect usage

To uphold a consistent brand identity, we always treat the Volvo Iron Mark correctly in terms of style, size, positioning, and orientation. This is also required for legal reasons.

Illustration of the Volvo Iron Mark logo in black rotated. Incorrect usage.
Do not rotate the logo in any direction.
Illustration of the Volvo Iron Mark in black horizontally distorted/very squashed. Incorrect usage.
Do not distort the logo in any way.
Illustration of a black Volvo Iron Mark on a dark grey background. Incorrect usage.
Do not present the logo with poor contrast.
Illustration of the Volvo Iron Mark in black with a tag line underneath that reads: 'Lorem ipsum'. Incorrect usage.
Do not add tag lines (respect the surrounding clear space).
Illustration of the Volvo Iron Mark with outlined letterforms/shapes. Incorrect usage.
Do not outline the Volvo Iron Mark.
Illustration of the Volvo Iron Mark in black with a drop shadow. Incorrect usage.
Do not use shadows, filters, or other effects.
